Our focus at the Market over the coming few years is encouraging our customers to store our bountiful autumn harvest so they have a supply of vegetables over the winter months. This is what was done traditionally right across the globe and is a pratice which has declined in recent years. Some of our stallholders will be sharing their favourite recipes or techniques with you but as a general guide see below. NB this list is not comprehensive but just a starting point. When freezing I recommend the free flow method. Freeze items separated on a tray and once frozen put in a bag. This way you can use as many of your need.
Sauce: tomatoe, plum, chilli, apple, mint
Freeze direct after dicing (no cooking required) for winter cassorles and soup: plums, blackboy peaches, berries, caspicum, eggplant, zuchinni, tomatoes, celery, silverbeet/kale, chillies
Freeze after blanching: beans, carrots, cauli, apples, pears, beetroot, brocolli, corn
Ferment: Cabbage, carrots, daikon raddish
Pickle/Chutney: cucumber, zuchinni, figs, tomatoe, beetroot, apple
Bottle: pears, peaches, plums, tomatoes, beetroot
Article added: Thursday 09 March 2023