The Farmers’ Market movement is about building and strengthening local communities, supporting  local food related businesses and giving consumers access to regional food. As people become more aware about food and where it comes from their has been a worldwide growth in the popularity of Farmers’ Markets. 

At the Nelson Farmers Market we deliver:

QUALITY - all produce is of the highest quality, freshly picked or produced  and is nutrient dense. 

TASTE - flavour is everything. Locally grown food simply tastes better. 

VALUE FOR MONEY - our stalls are realisticly priced and reflect the true value of growing/producing food. 

TRANSPARENCY - the people growing and producing the food are the ones selling it to you. You can be confident knowing where your food comes from. 

SEASONAL - by shopping at the Farmers Market you will eat seasonally, fresh and ripe. Eating as nature intended. 

VARIETY -  at the Farmers Market you will an amazing array of produce and products that you don't see elsewhere. It is a wonderful opportunity to savour the biodiversity of our region. 

LOCAL ECONOMIC GROWTH - by buying locally you are putting money into the local economy which generates employment for local people. 

LOW FOOD MILES - all of the stallholders have come from the region. The food has not been transported thousands of miles to get to you. You are minimising your carbon footprint when you buy local. 

ADAPTABLITY - by having a one-to-one connection with the grower/producer you can give feedback and the grower/producer is able to adapt their production to the specific needs of the buying public.