At the Nelson Farmers Market we are always looking for new stallholders. If you would like to become a stallholder please fill in the online application form or call into the Information Stall on Wednesdays between 8.00am and 1.00pm and talk to the Manager.
Alternatively, phone or email the Manager on 0220102776 or to start the discussion.
For your application to be successful to you need to meet three golden rules. A Farmers Market is:
- Primarily a food-only market
- A market where vendors must be the principle producers or someone directly involved in the production process.
- A market where the produce sold is sourced from a defined local area.
Approval Process
The process for approving an application is:
- Fill in an application form
- The application is taken to the monthly Committee meeting (second Wednesday in every month) to be approved or declined. Factors taken into consideration are adherence to the three golden rules, health and safety issues, impact on existing stallholders and available space.
- A site visit is undertaken prior to the start date to verify the authenticity of your product.
Stalls fees are $35 per week for permanent stalls and $40 for seasonal stalls plus there is an Annual Fee of $25 to belong to the Nelson Farmers Market.
For our online application form Click here